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The following work examines the way voters are influenced by a desire to make reality conform to a familiar narrative. First, the 2024 GOP Primary is reflected upon, with a focus on comparing the merits of the two frontrunner candidates, Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. A reason why Americans preferred the former is that letting Trump attempt to return to the Presidency would provide closure for the main narrative arc in US politics of the past decade. Next, this narrative arc is examined in detail, covering Trump’s rise in 2016 and his fall in 2020. A parallel is then drawn to similar episodes from English-speaking history and mythology. A powerful narrative driving events in the history of the English-speaking people is a desire to return to an idealized past, real or fictional. Trump’s 2024 campaign harnesses the power of narrative in two ways: by playing into this desire, as well as providing closure for those who feel like Trump’s political story should not have ended in 2020.

Ключевые слова

US Presidential Election (2024, 2020, 2016) Donald Trump Richard Lionheart Historical Grand Narrative Behavioral Science English National Mythology

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Об авторе

Dimitry (Jr.) Volchenkov

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA
Как цитировать
Volchenkov, D. (Jr.) 2024. The power of narrative in politics: why it had to be Trump. Учёные записки Института психологии РАН. 4, 2(12) (июн. 2024), 72–80.
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