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В статье приводятся результаты обзора публикаций, использующих корреляционный, регрессионный анализ и методы машинного обучения, по проблеме выявления и оценки предикторов удовлетворенности отношениями. Проведен мета-анализ по оценке размера эффекта для психологических характеристик черт большой пятерки и стиля привязанности с удовлетворенностью отношениями. Наибольший отрицательный размер эффекта получен для нейротизма (-0,3), избегающего (-0,51) и тревожного (-0,3) стилей привязанности. Также показано, что для женщин и мужчин наблюдаются статистически значимые различия в величине эффекта для избегающего стиля привязанности (-0,59 для женщин и -0,45 для мужчин), и значимое уменьшение показателя удовлетворенности отношениями с увеличением возраста испытуемых с избегающим стилем привязанности без учета пола. Представлена интерпретация полученных результатов.
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Детали статьи
- Altgelt E.E., Reyes M., French J.E., Meltzer A.L., Mcnulty J.K. Who is sexually faithful? Own and partner personality traits as predictors
- of infidelity // Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 2018. V. 35. P. 600-614.
- Amiri M., Farhoodi F., Abdolvand N., Bidakhavidi A.R. A study of the relationship between Big-five personality traits and communication
- styles with marital satisfaction of married students majoring in public universities of Tehran //Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2011. V.30. P. 685-689.
- Berscheid E. The greening of relationship science // American Psychologist. 1999. V. 54. P.260-66.
- Borenstein M., Hedges L.V., Higgins J.P.T., Rothstein H.R. A basic introduction to fixed-effect and random-effects models for meta- analysis // Research Synthesis Methods. 2010. V.1. P.97-111.
- Borenstein M., et al. Introduction to Meta-Analysis, Chichester (UK): Wiley, 2009.
- Brassard A., Lussier Y., Shaver P. Attachment, Perceived Conflict, and Couple Satisfaction: Test of a Mediational Dyadic Model // Family Relations. 2009. V.58. P.634-646.
- Candel O., Turliuc M. Insecure attachment and relationship satisfaction: A meta-analysis of acto and partner associations // Personality and Individual Differences. 2019. V.147. P.190-199.
- Chung M. Pathways between attachment and marital satisfaction: The mediating roles of rumination, empathy, and forgiveness // Personality and Individual Differences. 2014. V.70. P.246-251.
- Donnellan M., Conger R., Bryant C. The Big Five and enduring marriages // Journal of Research in Personality. 2004. V.38. P.481-504.
- Egger M., Davey Smith G., Schneider M., Minder C. Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test // British Medical Journal. 1997. V.315. P. 629-634.
- Feeney J. Adult attachment, emotional control, and marital satisfaction // Personal Relationships. 1999. V. 6. P. 169-185.
- Fitzpatrick J., Lafontaine M. Attachment, trust, and satisfaction in relationships: Investigating actor, partner, and mediating effects // Personal Relationships. 2017. V.24. P. 640-662.
- Fuenfhausen K.K., Cashwell C.S. Attachment, Stress, Dyadic Coping, and Marital Satisfaction of Counseling Graduate Students // The Family Journal. 2013. V.21. P. 364-370.
- Gattis K.S., Berns S., Simpson L.E., Christensen A. Birds of a feather or strange birds? Ties among personality dimensions, similarity, and marital quality // Journal of family psychology: JFP: journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association, 2004. V.18 (4). P. 564-574.
- Gobout N., Morissette Harvey F., Cyr G., Bélanger C. Cumulative Childhood Trauma and Couple Satisfaction: Examining the Mediating
- Role of Mindfulness. Mindfulness. 2020. V.11(7), P.1723-1733. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-020-01390-x
- Gordon C.L., Baucom D.H. Examining the Individual within Marriage: Personal Strengths and Relationship Satisfaction. Personal Relationships. 2009. V.16. P.421-435. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-6811.2009.01231.x
- Gottman J., Levenson R. The Timing of Divorce: Predicting When a Couple Will Divorce Over a 14‐Year Period // Journal of Marriage and Family. 2000. V.62. P.737-745.
- Grossmann I., Hottung A., Krohn-Grimberghe A. Machine learning meets partner matching: Predicting the future relationship quality based on personality traits. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14.
- Gupta K., Gujral A., Chaspari T., Timmons A.C., Han S.C., Kim Y., Barrett S., Sichko S., Margolin G. Sub-Population Specific Models of Couples’ Conflict. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology(TOIT). 2020. V.20. P.1-20.
- Halford W. K., Lizzio A., Wilson K. L., Occhipinti S. Does working at your marriage help? Couple relationship self-regulation and satisfaction in the first 4 years of marriage // Journal of Family Psychology. 2007. V.21(2). P.185-194.
- Hamamci Z. Dysfunctional Relationship Beliefs in Marital Satisfaction and Adjustment // Social Behavior and Personality. 2005. V.33. P.313328.
- Haseley J.L. Marital satisfaction among newly married couples: Associations with religiosity and romantic attachment style. 2006.
- Hatch D. Factors that influence the association between adult attachment and marital satisfaction. 2008.
- Heller D., Ferris D., Brown D.J., Watson D. The influence of work personality on job satisfaction: incremental validity and mediation effects
- // Journal of personality. 2009. V.77(4). P.10511084.
- Higgins J.P., Thompson S.G., Deeks J.J., Altman D.G. Measuring inconsistency in meta-analyses // British Medical Journal. 2003. V.327. P. 557560.
- James S., Hunsley J., Hemsworth D. Factor Structure of the Relationship Belief Inventory // Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2004. V.26. P.729-744.
- Javanmard G., Garegozlo R.M. The Study of Relationship Between Marital Satisfaction and Personality Characteristics in Iranian Families // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2013. V.84. P. 396-399.
- Joel S., Eastwick P.W., Finkel E. Is Romantic Desire Predictable? Machine Learning Applied to Initial Romantic Attraction// Psychological Science. 2017. V.28. P.1478-1489.
- Joel S., Eastwick P.W., Allison C.J., Arriaga X., et al. Machine learning uncovers the most robust self-report predictors of relationship quality across 43 longitudinalcouples studies // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020. V.117. P.19061-19071.
- Karney B.R., Bradbury T.N. The longitudinal course of marital quality and stability: A review of theory, method and research // Psychological Bulletin. 1995. V.18. P. 3-34.
- Karney B.R., Bradbury T.N. Neuroticism, marital interaction and the trajectory of marital satisfaction // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1997. V.72. P.1075-1092.
- Khademi A. Prediction of Marital Dissatisfaction Based on Personality Characteristics and Social
- Relations in Couples of Students and NonStudents // International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences. 2017. V.6. P.103107.
- Kinnunen U., Vermulst A., Gerris J., Mäkikangas A. Work–family conflict and its relations to wellbeing: the role of personality as a moderating factor // Personality and Individual Differences. 2003. V.35. P.1669-1683.
- Lantagne A. A Dyadic Perspective on Young Adult Dating Aggression. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2019.
- https://digitalcommons.du.edu/etd/1671
- Lavner J.A., Karney B., Bradbury T. Does Couples' Communication Predict Marital Satisfaction, or Does Marital Satisfaction Predict Communication? // Journal of marriage and the family. 2016. V.78(3). P.680-694.
- Le B., Dove N.L., Agnew C., Korn M.S., Mutso A.A. Predicting non marital romantic relationship dissolution: A meta-analytic synthesis // Personal Relationships. 2010. V.17. P.377-390.
- Levesque C., Lafontaine M., Caron A., Flesch J.L., Bjornson S. Dyadic Empathy, Dyadic Coping, and Relationship Satisfaction: A Dyadic Model // Europe’s Journal of Psychology. 2014. V.10. P.118-134.
- Li X., Cao H., Curran M.A. et al. Traditional Gender Ideology, Work Family Conflict, and Marital Quality among Chinese Dual-Earner Couples: A Moderated Mediation Model // Sex Roles. 2020. V.83. P.622-635. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-020-01125-1
- Malouff J.M., Thorsteinsson E.B., Schutte N.S., Bhullar N., Rooke S.E. The Five-Factor Model of personality and relationship satisfaction of intimate partners: A meta-analysis // Journal of Research in Personality. 2010. V.44(1). P.124-127.
- Molaei M., Banihashem S.K. The relationship between martial satisfaction and the personality variables of the five-factor model // International journal of humanities and social sciences. 2016. V.1. P.1783-1790.
- Molero F., ShaverP. R., Fernández I., Recio P. Attachment insecurities, life satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction from a dyadic perspective: The role of positive and negative affect // European Journal of Social Psychology. 2017. V.47. P. 337-347. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2276.
- Mondor J., McDuff P., Lussier Y. Wright J. Couples in Therapy: Actor-Partner Analyses of the Relationships Between Adult Romantic Attachment and Marital Satisfaction // The American Journal of Family Therapy. 2011. V.39(2). P.112-123, DOI: 10.1080/01926187.2010.530163
- Moser M.B., Johnson S., Dalgleish T.L., Lafontaine M., Wiebe S., Tasca G. Changes in Relationship-Specific Attachment in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy // Journal of marital and family therapy. 2016. V.42(2). P. 231-245.
- Mousavi R. Relationship between Big Five Personality Factors Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness, Loyalty and Marital Adjustment // Neuroquantology. 2017. V.15. P.63-68.
- Najarpourian S., Fatehizadeh M., Etemadi O., Ghasemi V., Abedi M., Bahrami F. Personality Types and Marital Satisfaction. 2012.
- O'Leary K.D., Smith Slep A.M., O'Leary S.G. Multivariate models of men's and women's partner aggression // Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2007. V.75(5). P.752-764.
- https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-006X.75.5.752
- O'Meara S. Big Five Personality Domains and Relationship Satisfaction: Direct Effects and Correlated Change Over Time Madison. 2019.
- Ozmen O., Atik G. Attachment styles and marital adjustment of Turkish married individuals // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2010. V.5. P.367-371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.07.106.
- Peterson R.A., Brown S.P. On the use of beta coefficients in meta-analysis // Journal of Applied Psychology. 2005. V.90. P.175-181.
- Sayehmiri K., Kareem K.I., Abdi K., Dalvand S., Gheshlagh R. The relationship between personality traits and marital satisfaction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2020. BMC Psychology,
- Schaffhuser K., Wagner J., Lüdtke O., Allemand M. Dyadic longitudinal interplay between personality and relationship satisfaction: A focus on neuroticism and self-esteem // Journal of Researchin Personality. 2014. V.53. P.124-133.
- Suurmond R., van Rhee H., Hak T. Introduction, comparison and validation of Meta-Essentials: A free and simple tool for meta-analysis // Research Synthesis Methods. 2017. V.8(4). P. 537-553. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrsm.1260.
- Van Rhee H.J., Suurmond R., Hak T. User manual for Meta-Essentials: Workbooks for metaanalysis (version 1.4) Rotterdam. The Netherlands: Erasmus Research Institute of Management. 2015. Retrieved from http://www.erim.eur.nl/research-support/metaessentials.
- Verstaen A., Haase C.M., Lwi S.J., Levenson R.W. Age-related changes in emotional behavior: Evidence from a 13-year longitudinal study of long-term married couples // Emotion. 2020. V.20(2). P.149-163.
- Xu H. Factors Affecting Marital Satisfaction among Chinese Newlyweds // Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2017. V.7. P.1-4.
- Yoo H., Bartle-Haring S., Day R.D., Gangamma R. Couple communication, emotional and sexual intimacy, and relationship satisfaction // Journal of sex & marital therapy. 2014. V.40(4). P.275293. https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623X.2012.751072
- Yuspendi Y., Fun-Fun L., Maria C. Adult Attachment and Personality Traits and the Quality of Marriage of Husband and Wife Couples. 2015.
Altgelt E.E., Reyes M., French J.E., Meltzer A.L., Mcnulty J.K. Who is sexually faithful? Own and partner personality traits as predictors
of infidelity // Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. 2018. V. 35. P. 600-614.
Amiri M., Farhoodi F., Abdolvand N., Bidakhavidi A.R. A study of the relationship between Big-five personality traits and communication
styles with marital satisfaction of married students majoring in public universities of Tehran //Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2011. V.30. P. 685-689.
Berscheid E. The greening of relationship science // American Psychologist. 1999. V. 54. P.260-66.
Borenstein M., Hedges L.V., Higgins J.P.T., Rothstein H.R. A basic introduction to fixed-effect and random-effects models for meta- analysis // Research Synthesis Methods. 2010. V.1. P.97-111.
Borenstein M., et al. Introduction to Meta-Analysis, Chichester (UK): Wiley, 2009.
Brassard A., Lussier Y., Shaver P. Attachment, Perceived Conflict, and Couple Satisfaction: Test of a Mediational Dyadic Model // Family Relations. 2009. V.58. P.634-646.
Candel O., Turliuc M. Insecure attachment and relationship satisfaction: A meta-analysis of acto and partner associations // Personality and Individual Differences. 2019. V.147. P.190-199.
Chung M. Pathways between attachment and marital satisfaction: The mediating roles of rumination, empathy, and forgiveness // Personality and Individual Differences. 2014. V.70. P.246-251.
Donnellan M., Conger R., Bryant C. The Big Five and enduring marriages // Journal of Research in Personality. 2004. V.38. P.481-504.
Egger M., Davey Smith G., Schneider M., Minder C. Bias in meta-analysis detected by a simple, graphical test // British Medical Journal. 1997. V.315. P. 629-634.
Feeney J. Adult attachment, emotional control, and marital satisfaction // Personal Relationships. 1999. V. 6. P. 169-185.
Fitzpatrick J., Lafontaine M. Attachment, trust, and satisfaction in relationships: Investigating actor, partner, and mediating effects // Personal Relationships. 2017. V.24. P. 640-662.
Fuenfhausen K.K., Cashwell C.S. Attachment, Stress, Dyadic Coping, and Marital Satisfaction of Counseling Graduate Students // The Family Journal. 2013. V.21. P. 364-370.
Gattis K.S., Berns S., Simpson L.E., Christensen A. Birds of a feather or strange birds? Ties among personality dimensions, similarity, and marital quality // Journal of family psychology: JFP: journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association, 2004. V.18 (4). P. 564-574.
Gobout N., Morissette Harvey F., Cyr G., Bélanger C. Cumulative Childhood Trauma and Couple Satisfaction: Examining the Mediating
Role of Mindfulness. Mindfulness. 2020. V.11(7), P.1723-1733. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-020-01390-x
Gordon C.L., Baucom D.H. Examining the Individual within Marriage: Personal Strengths and Relationship Satisfaction. Personal Relationships. 2009. V.16. P.421-435. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-6811.2009.01231.x
Gottman J., Levenson R. The Timing of Divorce: Predicting When a Couple Will Divorce Over a 14‐Year Period // Journal of Marriage and Family. 2000. V.62. P.737-745.
Grossmann I., Hottung A., Krohn-Grimberghe A. Machine learning meets partner matching: Predicting the future relationship quality based on personality traits. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14.
Gupta K., Gujral A., Chaspari T., Timmons A.C., Han S.C., Kim Y., Barrett S., Sichko S., Margolin G. Sub-Population Specific Models of Couples’ Conflict. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology(TOIT). 2020. V.20. P.1-20.
Halford W. K., Lizzio A., Wilson K. L., Occhipinti S. Does working at your marriage help? Couple relationship self-regulation and satisfaction in the first 4 years of marriage // Journal of Family Psychology. 2007. V.21(2). P.185-194.
Hamamci Z. Dysfunctional Relationship Beliefs in Marital Satisfaction and Adjustment // Social Behavior and Personality. 2005. V.33. P.313328.
Haseley J.L. Marital satisfaction among newly married couples: Associations with religiosity and romantic attachment style. 2006.
Hatch D. Factors that influence the association between adult attachment and marital satisfaction. 2008.
Heller D., Ferris D., Brown D.J., Watson D. The influence of work personality on job satisfaction: incremental validity and mediation effects
// Journal of personality. 2009. V.77(4). P.10511084.
Higgins J.P., Thompson S.G., Deeks J.J., Altman D.G. Measuring inconsistency in meta-analyses // British Medical Journal. 2003. V.327. P. 557560.
James S., Hunsley J., Hemsworth D. Factor Structure of the Relationship Belief Inventory // Cognitive Therapy and Research. 2004. V.26. P.729-744.
Javanmard G., Garegozlo R.M. The Study of Relationship Between Marital Satisfaction and Personality Characteristics in Iranian Families // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2013. V.84. P. 396-399.
Joel S., Eastwick P.W., Finkel E. Is Romantic Desire Predictable? Machine Learning Applied to Initial Romantic Attraction// Psychological Science. 2017. V.28. P.1478-1489.
Joel S., Eastwick P.W., Allison C.J., Arriaga X., et al. Machine learning uncovers the most robust self-report predictors of relationship quality across 43 longitudinalcouples studies // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2020. V.117. P.19061-19071.
Karney B.R., Bradbury T.N. The longitudinal course of marital quality and stability: A review of theory, method and research // Psychological Bulletin. 1995. V.18. P. 3-34.
Karney B.R., Bradbury T.N. Neuroticism, marital interaction and the trajectory of marital satisfaction // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1997. V.72. P.1075-1092.
Khademi A. Prediction of Marital Dissatisfaction Based on Personality Characteristics and Social
Relations in Couples of Students and NonStudents // International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences. 2017. V.6. P.103107.
Kinnunen U., Vermulst A., Gerris J., Mäkikangas A. Work–family conflict and its relations to wellbeing: the role of personality as a moderating factor // Personality and Individual Differences. 2003. V.35. P.1669-1683.
Lantagne A. A Dyadic Perspective on Young Adult Dating Aggression. Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 2019.
Lavner J.A., Karney B., Bradbury T. Does Couples' Communication Predict Marital Satisfaction, or Does Marital Satisfaction Predict Communication? // Journal of marriage and the family. 2016. V.78(3). P.680-694.
Le B., Dove N.L., Agnew C., Korn M.S., Mutso A.A. Predicting non marital romantic relationship dissolution: A meta-analytic synthesis // Personal Relationships. 2010. V.17. P.377-390.
Levesque C., Lafontaine M., Caron A., Flesch J.L., Bjornson S. Dyadic Empathy, Dyadic Coping, and Relationship Satisfaction: A Dyadic Model // Europe’s Journal of Psychology. 2014. V.10. P.118-134.
Li X., Cao H., Curran M.A. et al. Traditional Gender Ideology, Work Family Conflict, and Marital Quality among Chinese Dual-Earner Couples: A Moderated Mediation Model // Sex Roles. 2020. V.83. P.622-635. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-020-01125-1
Malouff J.M., Thorsteinsson E.B., Schutte N.S., Bhullar N., Rooke S.E. The Five-Factor Model of personality and relationship satisfaction of intimate partners: A meta-analysis // Journal of Research in Personality. 2010. V.44(1). P.124-127.
Molaei M., Banihashem S.K. The relationship between martial satisfaction and the personality variables of the five-factor model // International journal of humanities and social sciences. 2016. V.1. P.1783-1790.
Molero F., ShaverP. R., Fernández I., Recio P. Attachment insecurities, life satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction from a dyadic perspective: The role of positive and negative affect // European Journal of Social Psychology. 2017. V.47. P. 337-347. doi: 10.1002/ejsp.2276.
Mondor J., McDuff P., Lussier Y. Wright J. Couples in Therapy: Actor-Partner Analyses of the Relationships Between Adult Romantic Attachment and Marital Satisfaction // The American Journal of Family Therapy. 2011. V.39(2). P.112-123, DOI: 10.1080/01926187.2010.530163
Moser M.B., Johnson S., Dalgleish T.L., Lafontaine M., Wiebe S., Tasca G. Changes in Relationship-Specific Attachment in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy // Journal of marital and family therapy. 2016. V.42(2). P. 231-245.
Mousavi R. Relationship between Big Five Personality Factors Neuroticism, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness, Loyalty and Marital Adjustment // Neuroquantology. 2017. V.15. P.63-68.
Najarpourian S., Fatehizadeh M., Etemadi O., Ghasemi V., Abedi M., Bahrami F. Personality Types and Marital Satisfaction. 2012.
O'Leary K.D., Smith Slep A.M., O'Leary S.G. Multivariate models of men's and women's partner aggression // Journal of consulting and clinical psychology. 2007. V.75(5). P.752-764.
O'Meara S. Big Five Personality Domains and Relationship Satisfaction: Direct Effects and Correlated Change Over Time Madison. 2019.
Ozmen O., Atik G. Attachment styles and marital adjustment of Turkish married individuals // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2010. V.5. P.367-371. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.07.106.
Peterson R.A., Brown S.P. On the use of beta coefficients in meta-analysis // Journal of Applied Psychology. 2005. V.90. P.175-181.
Sayehmiri K., Kareem K.I., Abdi K., Dalvand S., Gheshlagh R. The relationship between personality traits and marital satisfaction: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2020. BMC Psychology,
Schaffhuser K., Wagner J., Lüdtke O., Allemand M. Dyadic longitudinal interplay between personality and relationship satisfaction: A focus on neuroticism and self-esteem // Journal of Researchin Personality. 2014. V.53. P.124-133.
Suurmond R., van Rhee H., Hak T. Introduction, comparison and validation of Meta-Essentials: A free and simple tool for meta-analysis // Research Synthesis Methods. 2017. V.8(4). P. 537-553. https://doi.org/10.1002/jrsm.1260.
Van Rhee H.J., Suurmond R., Hak T. User manual for Meta-Essentials: Workbooks for metaanalysis (version 1.4) Rotterdam. The Netherlands: Erasmus Research Institute of Management. 2015. Retrieved from http://www.erim.eur.nl/research-support/metaessentials.
Verstaen A., Haase C.M., Lwi S.J., Levenson R.W. Age-related changes in emotional behavior: Evidence from a 13-year longitudinal study of long-term married couples // Emotion. 2020. V.20(2). P.149-163.
Xu H. Factors Affecting Marital Satisfaction among Chinese Newlyweds // Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2017. V.7. P.1-4.
Yoo H., Bartle-Haring S., Day R.D., Gangamma R. Couple communication, emotional and sexual intimacy, and relationship satisfaction // Journal of sex & marital therapy. 2014. V.40(4). P.275293. https://doi.org/10.1080/0092623X.2012.751072
Yuspendi Y., Fun-Fun L., Maria C. Adult Attachment and Personality Traits and the Quality of Marriage of Husband and Wife Couples. 2015.